Saturday, August 20, 2011

Time is Flying By!

Daily Routine
we usually go tracting for at least an hour a day, go see members and teach them a lesson, go see less actives, see our investigators that we are working with and contact the referrals that we have been getting from members. we usually see inactives because there are so many down here in Texas. I eat cereal for breakfast, for lunch two turkey sandwiches that is 100% whole wheat bread, clemen times, grapes, celery, and yogurt. I am trying to eat healthy and have a balanced meal than I usually don't know what is should have for dinner.

Now I know all the areas we cover they are Orange, TX Pinehurst, TX West Orange, TX Deweyville, TX Mauriceville, TX Orangefield, TX Starks, LA Vinton, LA and all the area around those areas so we have a big area to cover. we have a member that feeds us corn and shrimp every sunday which is so good. I have been studying really hard and deep study on the Plan of Salvation and I have learned so many things. using preach my gospel, scriptures, footnotes, and topical guide. we usually find people through member referrals, tracting, area book, and the referrals we get from the mission office. we have one family that are investigators, than three other investigators that we have been focusing on which i kind of told you about them already in the e-mail. Oh yeah and one old man that wants to be baptized but his family is way against mormons so we are working with him too.

The Power of the Spirit
We tracted into a black family and they are really nice and we taught them a first lesson and they have been praying and started to read the book of mormon and they are feeling that this is good. they have four boys, three of them are teenagers there names are Moe, Tate, Philip, and I forgot the little kids name.

We have been teaching this less active roommate and the rommates sister and brother. we watch the new Joseph Smith movie with them and it was so good, The spirit was so strong and I knew they felt it. It is about an hour and ten minutes. They were asking alot of questions and we set a time for them to do a church tour with them. we are going to teach them the second lesson and invite them to be baptized. one of them says they want to go on a mission. we invited them to a barbecue that the ward is doing.

Star Appearance
Oh yeah we are inviting our investigators to this fireside thing in Houston. Gladias Knight i think thats how you spell it is coming down, that the presidency has set her apart to go around the country to perform for a missionary tool. I have heard it is really good and the spirit is so strong than her husband bears his testimony and more.

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