Monday, July 16, 2012

Humbly Transferred

Well  I got transfered to fall creek or in other words humble,tx. I think its about forty five minutes away from johnny. My new companion is Elder Tuai he is from California but regionally from Tonga. He has been out for eight months. Yeah I am in a really nice area, the people are really great here. I am serving in a ward and basically everyone in the ward is from utah. people that have graduated from byu and is working down here. It is a car area so I wont be using my bike that often or even at all this transfer.

half of our area is a nicer area with people that are well off and have huge houses and the other half is little bit more humbler.  it seems like we are going to have alot of succes in this area. oh yeah my address is 15100 golden eagle drive, humble, TX I dont know the zip code is though.

This past week we have been knocking on doors and we have found some great people. one of them her name is Cynthia she is about in her 50's and she was not open at all and saying a lot of stuff about religion and did not want to listen but as I testified some of the truth that she said and corrected her she openend right up and invited us to come back. So we went back and followed up with her and she was really excited and was looking forward talking to us but we did not have a member with us, because we can not go in a single womans house without another male. She said that she was really impressed that we did nopt get upset or mad at the things she said or believed and she really liked that. We invited her to church and she actually came but she only stayed for an hour but she said she will stay for all three hours next week. That was so cool to see how she opened up to us.

Mary We are teaching this 17 year old her naem is Mary she is hispanic and we came over and we shared the restoration to her and she loved it and the spirit was there and she believes everything what we taught. she also told us that she was questioning her religion she is catholic and she does not believe everything that they do like confessing your sins to the pope and some other stuff. we left a book of mormon with her and came back to teach her the plan of salvations he loved it and had a lot of deep docterine questions we tried to answer them the best as we can. She is so solid.


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