Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week four in Silsbee

The Ward
The ward is really great, I love it. the ward has 250 active members and like 500 less actives so yeah we have a lot of work to do. We have eaten so much food, it is so greasy, fatty, but it is so good. epecially blue bell ice cream. Yeah I think I have gained ten pounds. yikes. Oh Yeah our stake president asked us if we would fast for rain on last sunday because we are in a huge droubt. twenty four hours later it started to rain, we got a little but we can use all the rain we can. we made a scrapbook page for our mission presidents because they are leaving in two weeks.

we have studied why the book of mormon, church, and prayer is important. I just bearly finished reeading jacob, enos, and omni. In jacob about the vineyard and in enos how we should excercise faith and how he prayed so long. They pretty much covered everything in the MTC.

The Work
Things are going well for the investigators we are teaching. Tracting is interesting and fun, and just how each person reacts to you. we are baptizing a nine year old this saturday which is very exciting. we tracted in these people and they where finding a church that people are welcoming and we told our church was and they talked to there family and they don't want to go and know they don't want to go. they are not ready yet probably. we tracted into this one guy and he believed that William Brudman i think thats what his name was that he was a prophet and he performed many miracles and did all the things he did and he was in the 1930's and he died and he said that he left the Holy Ghost. while we tract we look around the yard or on the house to give us clues like if there are toys than we share a message about families, if there is a message about faith outside than we talk about faith. we knock on the door and say how are you doing? than we say we are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints and then we ask a few questions and than share a quick message.

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