Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crazy Exchanges and Investigators' Progress

Elder Holland is coming down and visiting our mission this friday. This summer has gone by so fast, it feels like I just got back from BYU-I. Its going by so fast. I have been out for four months. wow. Oh yeah almost forgot we did exchanges with the zone leaders and I went to Vidor the second ward. we ate at a members house and we went over to a less active/ investigator and to see how they are doing and that we told them that the next day no more smoking, tea or cofffee. The mom has a hard time with smoking and the son has a hard time of stopping drinking coffee but they are a really nice family. we went with a member to go see some people. we did some tracting.

Crazy Member Dream
we were staying in this little shed house thing that a member owns. The zone leader that i was with told me that President Ross the one that owns it comes in at 6:00 in the morning turns on the light and starts singing until we get out of bed and he gets down by one of us and the ohter one says a short prayer and then he said we get on our shoes and go on a little walk with him. I was a little scared of what he was going to do to us so I woke up every hour or two. I didn't get that much sleep. But I had a dream that he poured watermelon juice over the zone leader and put jello over me. haha. but it was not bad at all as i thought it would be.

Nicole Carter: she is about 21 years old she is Johns older sister. The first time we met her she had a lot of questions about the church and we answered them all and taught the first lesson. we watched the restoration DVD with her and she liked it. Yesterday we did a church tour with them and invited her to baptized on September 10 and she accepted and she came to church yesterday. we are trying to get her to read the Book of Mormon and to pray which she is getting better at. We are taking her to the Gladias Knight.

John Carter: He is a roommate of a less active in our ward (Andy Stewart) he just looks like and acts like cameron nielson which reminded me of him. John is taking this really seriously and making sure it is right for him. He wants to learn more about the church and he also accepted the invitation to be baptized on Septemnber 10. we did a church tour and have taught him the first lesson. He goes to the marines boot camp in November so we are working with him before he leaves. He is about like 19 or 20 and he is Nicole sister.

Shannon Lewis: She is a mom of five children and four of them are teenagers. they are a black family and we have taught them the first lesson and she seems pretty interested in it and she likes how we just go over and to see how they are doing. she has been reading out of the book of mormon and praying and she says she believes it, its just all new to her so we are going to take it slow so she can understand it all. She is very busy with work and know school is starting so it is going to be hard to catch her.

Charles Wilcox: He is 89 years old and missionaries have taught him all the lessons before he know that it is true and likes our church is just that his family is strong pentacostal and don't like mormons and they will go against him and disown him. He has a hard time of getting around because of his knees so he is depending on his family and he doesn't want to go against them. so we are hoping the family will soften there hearts and will let him be baptized. he is a really nice guy.

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