Thursday, February 16, 2012

Life of Faith

Hey it has been another great week. this past week has been a lot of service of helping people. We helped one of the members mowing his lawn, weedwacking becasue he hurt his back and he is down for a while, Then we helped with the Briggs new house that they are building, we put in vents throughout the house.

Choir of Angels
We went to the mission choir practice to practice for the fireside that we had yesterday. Yeah we have a mission choir that we started doing for these firesides that are for members to bring there non member friends. It went really great, the spirit was very strong. we sang some some songs, some recent converts bore there testimony and watched some inspiring videos, it was really good. There was a lot of people that attended, there was a missionary that told us they had a investigator that they don't want to do the missionary lessons and stuff, but she was there and after it she told them I want to learn more about the church. It was very good. Oh yeah we had a baptism this Sunday her name is Grace she is nine years old and her family has been coming back to church. It was a great baptism.

Zone Conference
Oh yeah we had zone confrence this past week and we talked alot about faith unto miracles. we shared a lot of our miracle stories that we have seen. Our mission is going to start to do this new finding idea. It is called the HOUR OF POWER. It is going to be on thursdays starting at 5:50 till 7:00. Do you know what happens during that time. Well the prophet and the quorum of the twelve apostles all go to the temple and pray for all the missionaries. At 5:50 we go to a members house and teach them about faith for ten minutes. then we invite them to pray on there knees for us that we will find somone to teach and to baptize while we are tracting from 6:00 to 7:00 in there neighborhood. When we find that person we ask them if we can teach that person in there home. We are going to try it this thursday. It is going to be great.

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