Monday, September 12, 2011

A Marvelous Work and a Wonder

We took Lois Stein on a church tour with her boyfriend Todd Daniels and it was awesome she really wants to come to church and wants to be baptized and they are planning on getting married. She is a solid investigator.

Miracle from on High
I had an amazing spiritual experience on Saturday on finding people. so me and my companion got out a map of our area and it had all the streets and its names. One of us would go into the other room and take the map and pray what street we needed to tract that day. we would write down 10-15 streets and the other one would do the same thing then we would come together and compare our lists that we had. we didn't have the same streets but ours was so close to each other like a street off. one of mine was 15th street and one of his was 14th street. so we decided to tract the 15th street and there were only a few houses on the street so we started knocking on them nice people but were not interested we got to the last house on the street and we were confident that this was the one. A black guy answered the door and let us in and we talked with him and his name is Ondrea Powell. We talked about faith and wisdom to him and he was blown away and that those two things that he had questions and did not make sense but know it makes clear sense. He said to us that we were not afraid to say it and that we were bold, clear, and powerful, and knowledgable. He said that he was sitting outside in the backyard and he thought its getting a little hot out here and decided to go inside. He started to watch football and he had this feeling and thought came to him that someone was coming that was importnant and strong. He heard a knock on the door he looked behind the curtain out of the window and could not see anyone he checked the other one he said no one was there and then he opened the door and saw us and something told him to let them in so he let us in and gave him a powerful message. That was an amazing experience if you pray and seek were he wants you to go he will direct you to were you need to go at the right time and at the right place. He wants us to come back and to teach more. He is a great guy.

A member took us to Silsbee on saturday to go see Bill Singleys baptism. It was awesome. He said it took 32 years of missionaries to get him to go to church, stop smoking and get baptized and he said that me and Elder Packard were the most dilgent and persistent with him and that we are the only missionaries in 32 years to get him to church, stop smoking and get baptized, That is one reason I got called to Houston East Texas and to Silsbee, Heavenly Father knows where you would be best at.

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