Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pictures and Adventures of the Week

We went on the nature trail to see some alligators but we didn't see any it is so hot down here. We went to the gulf of mexico and went to a beach called Holly Beach and it was pretty fun. We had dinner at the Evans and it was fun they have four horses and three dogs. After we had family home evening with them and played kickball and played hide and seek with them it was fun. we had desserts after it all.

On wednesday we taught the young men and the youg women at mutual and taught them about questions of the soul and it went pretty good. On Friday we had zone meeting and we talked about baptisms and how we can accomplish our goals that we have set for the month of Spetember and our goal for the month of September is 5. We know that it can be done because we have so many investigators that are ready and can be baptized this month. we knocked on six doors and got FOUR return appointments and when we were walking back to our apartment we ran into some people and talked to them a bit and we got a return appointment from them.

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