Monday, January 7, 2013

Lifelong Lessons

Getting Better
My finger is doing better, but the other day it was hurting alot more than it usually is. which I think it means that I am getting feeling back into my finger, which is a good sign. I am going to get the stitches out tomorrow so i am really excited about that so it can fully heal. President interviews were great. 

On every saturday night all the neighbourhood kids come to the church to play basketball it is just to keep them off the streets. Before we begin we start off with a prayer and share a spiritual message, then we play some basketball from seven to nine. We are working on if we can teach them personally and bring them to church. This past week we also had exchanges with some other elders in our district. I went to Livingston, it is also another big area, they have a truck and it is pretty hilly over there. It is north of our area.
Learning To Teach
We had zone meeting on friday in kingwood which was very good. we are going over the first lesson (restoration) in detail for each principle, so that we can become better teachers, our mission is the best finders but not a lot of those we find get baptized and we teach a lot of first lessons so we are going to get more better at teaching the first lesson. We see what inspired questions we can ask them, what analagies, picture aids, and scriptures, we can use, and what commtiments we can leave with our investigators. Our zone is focusing on four key idicators which are baptismal dates, sacrament meeting, new investigators, and member presents. In our zone we have about three districts. We are doing a competition between the districts where which ever districts gets at least two of the key indicatros they win for that week,. they get to have the texas flag that everyone signed in the zone. At the end of the month whatever district had the flag more wins the big prize, which they have not told us yet.
We are doing pretty good here in cleveland. We are teching a part member less active family. we are teaching the nine year old Blake and we have set a date for him for febuary 2. His parents also came to church which was good. We are going to get a baptism and also with two reactivations.
We are teaching Crystal who is the wife of a member we have taught her the fisrt lesson and she has been coming to church which she seems to be liking it. we are hoping that we will set a date for her soon. This week we are going to be working very hard on part member and less actives in the ward. that is pretty much what happened for this week.  love you all

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