Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Update on Progress in Baytown

Update on the Coles and Garcias
This past week has been pretty good. we are still working with the coles and the garcias. the gracias are awesome they love us when we coem over they cook us a bunch of food. when you do not eat a lot they get affended so you have to make sure you eat a lot and make a lot of compliments, they cooked us ribs, rice and shrimp it was very good. they have been reading the book of mormon which is way nice. They have been struggling with coming to church because armando works a lot but they want to come to church and they definelty want to be baptized. hopefully they will be baptized before I go.
the Koles we taught the restoration and they loved it and is understanding it very well. Jo is still loving relief society and church, she loves how welcoming and friendly everyone is. She is very excited to be baptized on the 24th of this month.
We are teaching the smiths who just moved from ohio and is looking for a church for there 14 year old daughter, we were going to teach the dad but it seems like the mom is more interested and she read the pamphlet we left with them and she had many questions which we answered and helped her to understand. We left her with a book of mormon and she said that she will have it read by next time we come and visit them. we also are going to give them a strength for youth pamphlet and personal progress booklet and tell what programs the church has for young women.

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