Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lots and Lots of Goodness in Texas

1st Year Reflection
Yeah I can't believe that I have been out for a year this coming Friday. It feels like we were sitting in cold stone and I was the first one to finish and anxious to go and was worried that I was going to be late and kept bugging dad and telling him how much longer we had until I was late and he said your fine I am sure the other missionaries will be late. then you guys dropped me off at the MTC said our goodbyes and I was about to leave and mom is like wait we want hugs. After that I was headed off not knowing what I was going to get myself into. Actually the first day I was nervous but it turned out to be good. I am so glad that I am came on my mission it has changed me so much. To see how the gospel changes so many peoples lives and seeing what they are willing to give up for it. Just being In Texas I am so grateful that I had the gospel in my life and was raised in such a awesome wonderful family. It is so sad with all the things that happen out here and how much they are really missing not knowing what the gospel will do for them. I am so grateful for all your support and prayers. I know that as we are faithful we will be blessed and that we do not have to worry what is going to happen in the future just as long as we are faithful and trust in him all will be made right.

Miracle with Thomas This past week has been crazy we have been on our bikes alot and it has been tiring and exhausting. We have seen so many miracles it is so amazing. like for example one of our investigators Lester Thomas I think I told you about him did I? well we have been teaching him and he said that before we met with him he was praying for help and that same day we contacted him and since then he has felt happier, and better about himself, He said that he would stop smoking completly in a week. he has been smoking for forty years and have always wanted to stop and he did it cold turkey. He said it was the priesthood blessing that we gave him and when we come over it would give him more motivation to stop. which he did stop smoking completely. This past week we went over to see how he was doing and we saw him drinking a nice hot cup of coffee oops forgot to tell him that he could not drink coffee. we told him about the word of wisdom and he put the coffe down and said I will not pick it up again. He is so awesome and the Lord has prepared him and has led us to him. He loves coming to church. he is getting baptized next week.

Miracle BaptismAnother miracle that I have seen this past week is with another investigator that we have been teaching Roy. His grandfather came down town and visited them and Roy told us that he is pentacostal, oh great. Roy Told us not to tell his grandfather that he was going to get baptized because his grandfather does not like mormons. My compaion forgot and said to the grandfather has Roy told you that he was going to get baptized tomorrow and the grandfather said no he has not excitedly but really he was not, and Roys eyes went big he was like on no, yeah the baptism was not going to happen. We were going still have his baptismal interview but his grandfather took him to get a haircut and trying to tell him anti-mormon stuff to him and Roy did not know what to do and was confused. We kept on and visting Roy and told him that we love him and want the best for him and told him to pray to Heavenly Father on what he needs to do, If getting baptized is what Heavenly Father wants him to do. His grandfather finally left and since then Roy's desire to learn and to be baptized has increased and has been made stronger. He felt so happy and has felt the spirt so strongly when we meet with him. Him and his grandmother is going to church this Sunday. From Roy's example he has brought another person into the gospel and this will bless him and his family.  hopefully the grandfather will have a change of heart. I know that when Roy is baptized his family will follow behind him.

Motivation of the Temple
We know are teaching a less active part member family and they are awesome the Daugherty's. The husband is not a member and is really interested what caught his attention is that families can be sealed in the temple for all time and eternity and he is awesome and very sincere. He is going to read the book of mormon. He does not know that much about our church but what he has heard from our church it is good like that we have a non-paid ministry that we do not force people to believe, that we have members go visit another and some other stuff. We are going to set a baptismal date with him hopefully this week.

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