Thursday, May 3, 2012

All about investigators

Investigator Progress
The investigators are going really great we are the Daughterys the part member family and we watched the talk from Elder Uctdorff the talk called you matter to him and that really touched him and it remined him of his mother because she is German and his experiences over in Germany he really like Elder Uctdorff. It really touched him and he is progressing really well and he has been reading and has a lot of questions that we are going to answer later tonight and he loves the branch. His date of getting baptized is the may 19th and we are really excited.

New Investigator These past two sundays some returned missionaries from Utah came down and are selling the alarms for the summer. they are pretty cool and they have a secretary that is from Portland, Oregon and she is not a member and they brought her to church and it seemed like she loved it. later that night we went over and began teaching the lessons. she said she felt peace when she was at our church and that what we believe makes sense about that there is a prophet on the earth and about Joseph Smith. she said that she went to a baptist church in California and the first time she went she felt good so she went back and then she did not feel good about it because the preacher was yelling and pounding so she never went back and has not been to church since then and she has a lot of questions that she asked to the preacher but he could not answer them and when we taught the first part of the lesson her questions were being answered it was so cool. the spirit was so strong. she accepted to be baptized on May 26th so we are excited for her. this is going to be a life changing experience for her. this is in the young singles ward branch. they are excited too. 

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